
Unfaithful by Josh Cho
Unfaithful is a series of images that are collected from the internet that depict a geyser-like burst of water produced by broken fire hydrants in the urban landscape. The images are then converted to black and white, vertically recomposed, and digitally

Unfaithful by Josh Cho
Unfaithful is a series of images that are collected from the internet that depict a geyser-like burst of water produced by broken fire hydrants in the urban landscape. The images are then converted to black and white, vertically recomposed, and digitally

Reflections on Rethink Environment
Featuring reflections by: Dan Bayles, Claudia Borgna, Kathy Garcia, Hillary Mushkin, Paul Pescador, Brianna Skellie and Boris Torres It has been almost three months since we physically joined together at HRLA to celebrate our community and reconsider the standing of our current political,

Reflections on Rethink Environment
Featuring reflections by: Dan Bayles, Claudia Borgna, Kathy Garcia, Hillary Mushkin, Paul Pescador, Brianna Skellie and Boris Torres It has been almost three months since we physically joined together at HRLA to celebrate our community and reconsider the standing of our current political,

Hazing the Muse Part II: Dr. Laurie Weeks interviews Benjy Russell and Rya Kleinpeter
To Darken This Darkness RECAPS featured an earlier version of Hazing The Muse in the Fall if 2012. After connecting in virtual space for the past two years, it was cosmic timing that Russell rolled into LA on his truck in from

Hazing the Muse Part II: Dr. Laurie Weeks interviews Benjy Russell and Rya Kleinpeter
To Darken This Darkness RECAPS featured an earlier version of Hazing The Muse in the Fall if 2012. After connecting in virtual space for the past two years, it was cosmic timing that Russell rolled into LA on his truck in from

Pocket Rocks by Alayna Rasile
Pocket Rock is an exercise in geological illustration, meditation, mineral identification, and social lubrication. It began when I was gifted tupperwares and zip-lock bags filled with specimens by an eccentric mustachioed man with a mission to spread beauty in the form of

Pocket Rocks by Alayna Rasile
Pocket Rock is an exercise in geological illustration, meditation, mineral identification, and social lubrication. It began when I was gifted tupperwares and zip-lock bags filled with specimens by an eccentric mustachioed man with a mission to spread beauty in the form of

Suzanne Wright’s Rainbow Control Room by Katherine Brewer Ball
“to wound the autumnal city So Howled out for the world to give him a name The in-dark answered with wind.” Samuel Delany’s twisting science fiction novel Dhalgren (1975) begins with these lines. The nameless “Kid,” our protagonist, reads from an

Suzanne Wright’s Rainbow Control Room by Katherine Brewer Ball
“to wound the autumnal city So Howled out for the world to give him a name The in-dark answered with wind.” Samuel Delany’s twisting science fiction novel Dhalgren (1975) begins with these lines. The nameless “Kid,” our protagonist, reads from an

Soft Butch by Benjy Russell
Soft Butch is a place of pure concentrated energy that exists between states of explosion and implosion, an alternate universe free of the binary gender system, a place where children are awash in the knowledge that we do not discover new truths,

Soft Butch by Benjy Russell
Soft Butch is a place of pure concentrated energy that exists between states of explosion and implosion, an alternate universe free of the binary gender system, a place where children are awash in the knowledge that we do not discover new truths,

Trying to Write About Beyoncé by Paul Pescador
Paul Pescador, September 1, Photograph I sit here struggling to write about her. I’m 30. I’m too old for this. Fan worship. Nor am I being merely ironic. I ask a friend, “What do I have to say

Trying to Write About Beyoncé by Paul Pescador
Paul Pescador, September 1, Photograph I sit here struggling to write about her. I’m 30. I’m too old for this. Fan worship. Nor am I being merely ironic. I ask a friend, “What do I have to say

Hospice Watercolors and Handsome Women’s Club by Heather Anne Welch
RECAPS IS PROUD TO PRESENT TWO ORIGINAL ZINES OF THE WORK OF HEATHER ANNE WELCH. Simone de Beauvior by Gisele Freund I’m starting a club, The Handsome Women’s Club. We’re not strictly against admitting men to the club, but they

Hospice Watercolors and Handsome Women’s Club by Heather Anne Welch
RECAPS IS PROUD TO PRESENT TWO ORIGINAL ZINES OF THE WORK OF HEATHER ANNE WELCH. Simone de Beauvior by Gisele Freund I’m starting a club, The Handsome Women’s Club. We’re not strictly against admitting men to the club, but they

New Drawings by Boris Torres
Ladies, pencil wash on paper, 9 X 12 inches, 2014 Three Mary’s, pencil wash on paper, 9 X 12 inches, 2014

New Drawings by Boris Torres
Ladies, pencil wash on paper, 9 X 12 inches, 2014 Three Mary’s, pencil wash on paper, 9 X 12 inches, 2014

Untitled collaboration with Manuel Vason (The Language of Flowers), 2006 by Lee Adams
The image is based on a durational performance installation I made for The Undercover Surrealism exhibition at The Hayward Gallery, South Bank Centre, London called the Language of Flowers after the essay by Georges Bataille: ” … even more than

Untitled collaboration with Manuel Vason (The Language of Flowers), 2006 by Lee Adams
The image is based on a durational performance installation I made for The Undercover Surrealism exhibition at The Hayward Gallery, South Bank Centre, London called the Language of Flowers after the essay by Georges Bataille: ” … even more than

Untitled (Wind) by Julie Tolentino
Untitled (Wind) – S and J 2012 by Julie Tolentino

Untitled (Wind) by Julie Tolentino
Untitled (Wind) – S and J 2012 by Julie Tolentino

May Day Glitch by Rebecca Lieberman
“Employ bends and breaks as metaphors for différance. Use the glitch as an exoskeleton for progress. Find catharsis in disintegration, ruptures and cracks; manipulate, bend and break any medium towards the point where it becomes something new.” – Rosa Menkmann, Glitch

May Day Glitch by Rebecca Lieberman
“Employ bends and breaks as metaphors for différance. Use the glitch as an exoskeleton for progress. Find catharsis in disintegration, ruptures and cracks; manipulate, bend and break any medium towards the point where it becomes something new.” – Rosa Menkmann, Glitch

When Jeanne Was Down Came Over to Water The Flowers by Nicole Capps
My most recent series of small-scale drawings originated from several collections of family photographs purchased in bulk on the internet. Exploring the analog snapshot as both image and object, these drawings emphasize both the pictorial and the sculptural, playing on

When Jeanne Was Down Came Over to Water The Flowers by Nicole Capps
My most recent series of small-scale drawings originated from several collections of family photographs purchased in bulk on the internet. Exploring the analog snapshot as both image and object, these drawings emphasize both the pictorial and the sculptural, playing on

Imperfecting a perfect(us): Love, Space, and Beauty by Megan Lavelle
Imperfecting a perfect(us). Utopia is defined as a place of ideal perfection relating to law, government, and social conditions. A framework of perfection is often a framework for order, law, precision, and limit. 1.6180339887498948482 / φ The sciences designate “perfection” as

Imperfecting a perfect(us): Love, Space, and Beauty by Megan Lavelle
Imperfecting a perfect(us). Utopia is defined as a place of ideal perfection relating to law, government, and social conditions. A framework of perfection is often a framework for order, law, precision, and limit. 1.6180339887498948482 / φ The sciences designate “perfection” as

My Darling Sexy Beautiful Tropicanita by Artemisa Clark
I can not forget this death. I can not forget the dehumanization of men that causes the brutalization of women. I can not forget that I am a female and weaker. I can not forget the inhumanity of a

My Darling Sexy Beautiful Tropicanita by Artemisa Clark
I can not forget this death. I can not forget the dehumanization of men that causes the brutalization of women. I can not forget that I am a female and weaker. I can not forget the inhumanity of a

Perlita by Rochele Gomez
Rochele Gomez, Perlita, 2012 12 digital ink-jet digital prints, 9 x 13 1/2 inches (each)

Perlita by Rochele Gomez
Rochele Gomez, Perlita, 2012 12 digital ink-jet digital prints, 9 x 13 1/2 inches (each)

Enrichment and Other Images by Hushidar Mortezaie
Beyond Glamour,Power, and Contradiction is the shared consciousness of ages,of beauty,pain, and perseverance.I weave different elements of my own personal experiences in the art and high fashion worlds along with my ideas into a personal tapestry that gives color to

Enrichment and Other Images by Hushidar Mortezaie
Beyond Glamour,Power, and Contradiction is the shared consciousness of ages,of beauty,pain, and perseverance.I weave different elements of my own personal experiences in the art and high fashion worlds along with my ideas into a personal tapestry that gives color to

Fag Face by Zach Blas
Facial Weaponization Communiqué: Fag Face. I think about fag face sometimes when a cock is in my mouth, or an ass is pressed against my head, or cum runs down my chin. That accusation, that claim that has

Fag Face by Zach Blas
Facial Weaponization Communiqué: Fag Face. I think about fag face sometimes when a cock is in my mouth, or an ass is pressed against my head, or cum runs down my chin. That accusation, that claim that has

Paintings by Suzanne Wright + A Vital Collapse in the Meaning of Holes by Katie Brewer Ball
A VITAL COLLAPSE IN THE MEANING OF HOLES By Katie Brewer Ball Getting lost is simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. New paths open while others are lost as the landscape of the journey changes. Holes are paths that carry us through

Paintings by Suzanne Wright + A Vital Collapse in the Meaning of Holes by Katie Brewer Ball
A VITAL COLLAPSE IN THE MEANING OF HOLES By Katie Brewer Ball Getting lost is simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. New paths open while others are lost as the landscape of the journey changes. Holes are paths that carry us through

The Leather Guy by Gustavo Turner
Leather Guy Postcard Download.JPG

The Leather Guy by Gustavo Turner
Leather Guy Postcard Download.JPG

What I’ve Been Up to Lately… by Boris Torres
What I’ve been doing lately is going through vintage male photography and I look for composition, lighting, beauty, sexiness. It’s really more about formal stuff, the quality of the photograph, whether the image is interesting, or the person in

What I’ve Been Up to Lately… by Boris Torres
What I’ve been doing lately is going through vintage male photography and I look for composition, lighting, beauty, sexiness. It’s really more about formal stuff, the quality of the photograph, whether the image is interesting, or the person in

The Love Doll by Laurie Simmons
RECAPS: What has being identified as a feminist photographer enabled for you creatively, and in what in what ways, if any, have you found it limiting? Laurie Simmons: When I was first described that way, in the late 70’s and

The Love Doll by Laurie Simmons
RECAPS: What has being identified as a feminist photographer enabled for you creatively, and in what in what ways, if any, have you found it limiting? Laurie Simmons: When I was first described that way, in the late 70’s and

Sweet Treats by Vadis Turner
click to enlarge and enjoy! For more on Vadis Turner, visit Grey Area

Sweet Treats by Vadis Turner
click to enlarge and enjoy! For more on Vadis Turner, visit Grey Area

Walking Wounded by Liz Collins
I am a machine knitter by trade, and with this project offered up knit interventions (wounds) to ready-made clothing provided by both passers by and myself. My work in fashion and fine art textiles and clothing has featured these “wounds”

Walking Wounded by Liz Collins
I am a machine knitter by trade, and with this project offered up knit interventions (wounds) to ready-made clothing provided by both passers by and myself. My work in fashion and fine art textiles and clothing has featured these “wounds”

Happy Valentines Day from the Self Esteem Salon by Chris Verene

Happy Valentines Day from the Self Esteem Salon by Chris Verene

New Paintings by Boris Torres
All works are based on found images from 1960’s physique magazines 10 x 10 inches, oil on wood panel, 2013

New Paintings by Boris Torres
All works are based on found images from 1960’s physique magazines 10 x 10 inches, oil on wood panel, 2013

Valentine by Gustavo Turner
“Sketch for Upcoming Series” (print, 2013) Gustavo Turner is a Los Angeles artist. More at

Valentine by Gustavo Turner
“Sketch for Upcoming Series” (print, 2013) Gustavo Turner is a Los Angeles artist. More at

A Valentine from Carla to You by K. Garcia

A Valentine from Carla to You by K. Garcia

Apoca-gifs by Matthew Skomarovsky
blueprint for a secure energy future lushly landscaped sky lobbies deepwater horizon performance and design taken right to the edge post-bubble economy the use and abuse of vegetational concepts

Apoca-gifs by Matthew Skomarovsky
blueprint for a secure energy future lushly landscaped sky lobbies deepwater horizon performance and design taken right to the edge post-bubble economy the use and abuse of vegetational concepts

Mirror Paintings by Boris Torres

“A Happy Marriage of Curves and Quantities” by Shaun Garren

“A Happy Marriage of Curves and Quantities” by Shaun Garren

Beginnings (Clothes, Letters, Sky, Sound) by Marcus Civin
Dreams are not terrible enough. Reality can be far worse. Dreams end. You always wake up from dreams. Heavy-hyper-breathing couriers carried missives that sit now, stocking the wooden, nailed-together mail cubby at home. I had imagined that the worst part

Beginnings (Clothes, Letters, Sky, Sound) by Marcus Civin
Dreams are not terrible enough. Reality can be far worse. Dreams end. You always wake up from dreams. Heavy-hyper-breathing couriers carried missives that sit now, stocking the wooden, nailed-together mail cubby at home. I had imagined that the worst part

January 20th, 2009. Photographs by Catherine Opie

January 20th, 2009. Photographs by Catherine Opie

Riot and Quiet: @ The Flagpole Gallery with Elan Greenwald
Kuan Hwa’s Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori at Flagpole Gallery Flagpole Gallery squats on the fourth floor balcony of the Contemporary Arts Center at the University of California, Irvine. The structure is just over fourteen feet high and built

Riot and Quiet: @ The Flagpole Gallery with Elan Greenwald
Kuan Hwa’s Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori at Flagpole Gallery Flagpole Gallery squats on the fourth floor balcony of the Contemporary Arts Center at the University of California, Irvine. The structure is just over fourteen feet high and built

Morning Piss (the ties that bind us shall never tear us apart) by Benjy Russell
After consistently pissing off the front porch in the same spot every morning, I started to notice a large gathering of butterflies feeding there everyday. It turns out that butterflies are attracted to the high concentration of vitamins and

Morning Piss (the ties that bind us shall never tear us apart) by Benjy Russell
After consistently pissing off the front porch in the same spot every morning, I started to notice a large gathering of butterflies feeding there everyday. It turns out that butterflies are attracted to the high concentration of vitamins and

Poems by Charlotte Lieberman with photos by Alexandra Pacheco Garcia
Bedroom Scene Looking through this window, here the street is desolate. Also accompanied by a certain warmth that is different than a certain desire for relief, cold, as in this sky continuing to be something I might

Poems by Charlotte Lieberman with photos by Alexandra Pacheco Garcia
Bedroom Scene Looking through this window, here the street is desolate. Also accompanied by a certain warmth that is different than a certain desire for relief, cold, as in this sky continuing to be something I might

Schvirat ha-Kelim (heb. שבירת הכלים ‚Breaking of the vessels‘) Ivonne Dippmann
Regardless, in fact a pure nightmare, alors une utopie, it was often said, endorsed from Aristotle to Heidegger, a simple thing, passé, rushing through boundless trends and fashion, il échappe, dressed in camouflage playing guitar. en

Schvirat ha-Kelim (heb. שבירת הכלים ‚Breaking of the vessels‘) Ivonne Dippmann
Regardless, in fact a pure nightmare, alors une utopie, it was often said, endorsed from Aristotle to Heidegger, a simple thing, passé, rushing through boundless trends and fashion, il échappe, dressed in camouflage playing guitar. en

Hazing the Muse by Rya Kleinpeter and Benjy Russell
These images are a preview from a collaborative body of work by Rya Kleinpeter and Benjy Russell.Hazing the Muse is a series of heteronormative mind games in which Kleinpeter and Russell role play using the self as subject and the self

Hazing the Muse by Rya Kleinpeter and Benjy Russell
These images are a preview from a collaborative body of work by Rya Kleinpeter and Benjy Russell.Hazing the Muse is a series of heteronormative mind games in which Kleinpeter and Russell role play using the self as subject and the self

On Roads and On Roadmaps by Flora Kao
Flora Kao, Lines of Desire, 2008 Acrylic on vellum 7.5 x 10.5 feet [Detail] Referencing the blueprint as a locus of dreams, Lines of Desire is made of hundreds of overlays of the LA street-grid on vellum. Upon approach, its delicate atmospherics

On Roads and On Roadmaps by Flora Kao
Flora Kao, Lines of Desire, 2008 Acrylic on vellum 7.5 x 10.5 feet [Detail] Referencing the blueprint as a locus of dreams, Lines of Desire is made of hundreds of overlays of the LA street-grid on vellum. Upon approach, its delicate atmospherics

Untitled, 2010 by K. Garcia
Here is my attempt to (visually) create (an)other orifices, which is not mouth, is not vagina, or anus, it is other. Images were torn from magazines, placed in a vitrine deconstructed and then recomposed, parts of

Untitled, 2010 by K. Garcia
Here is my attempt to (visually) create (an)other orifices, which is not mouth, is not vagina, or anus, it is other. Images were torn from magazines, placed in a vitrine deconstructed and then recomposed, parts of

Posters by Daniel Joseph Martinez
Martinez1.jpg martinezdownload2.jpg martinezdownload3.jpg installation shots from San Juan Triennial, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2005)

Posters by Daniel Joseph Martinez
Martinez1.jpg martinezdownload2.jpg martinezdownload3.jpg installation shots from San Juan Triennial, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2005)

Cyclona, Manon, and Lucas Samaras: Images Curated by Sarvia Jasso
“Cyclona” is a drag character played by Robert Legorreta, a Chicano artist and member of the Southern California Gay Liberation Front. Cyclona (which is feminine for cyclone) made her debut in Caca-Roaches Have No Friends (1969), a play that was written

Cyclona, Manon, and Lucas Samaras: Images Curated by Sarvia Jasso
“Cyclona” is a drag character played by Robert Legorreta, a Chicano artist and member of the Southern California Gay Liberation Front. Cyclona (which is feminine for cyclone) made her debut in Caca-Roaches Have No Friends (1969), a play that was written

ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) by Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio
Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) Theater-Piece In Words Only, For 2 Actors At A Podium + Lights Whitechapel Gallery, London, Feb 2011 (House lights go off, podium lights out) (W:) Come

ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) by Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio
Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) Theater-Piece In Words Only, For 2 Actors At A Podium + Lights Whitechapel Gallery, London, Feb 2011 (House lights go off, podium lights out) (W:) Come

Tripping On Cyber Roads photographs by Martabel Wasserman
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Tripping On Cyber Roads photographs by Martabel Wasserman
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From Shaylanna’s Sketchbook, courtesy of Black & Pink
A little bit about me. I’m 27 years old and I’m from the Upper Westside (Grand and Garden) in Buffalo, New York. I was born in Savannah, GA (directly South). When I was forced into smuggling drugs, I lived all over

From Shaylanna’s Sketchbook, courtesy of Black & Pink
A little bit about me. I’m 27 years old and I’m from the Upper Westside (Grand and Garden) in Buffalo, New York. I was born in Savannah, GA (directly South). When I was forced into smuggling drugs, I lived all over

Untitled I, Untitled II by Andy J. Brown
These two studies (Untitled Study I and II) create analogies between architectural sites in different states of finish. I have been photographing different locations throughout California for the last year, documenting the new ruins that dot the landscape. These photographs

Untitled I, Untitled II by Andy J. Brown
These two studies (Untitled Study I and II) create analogies between architectural sites in different states of finish. I have been photographing different locations throughout California for the last year, documenting the new ruins that dot the landscape. These photographs

Photos by Alexandra Pacheco Garcia
As a medium that allows for the obsessive collection of visual evidence, I am using photography to locate the body (my body and the bodies of those I love.). This series of three photographs and related

Photos by Alexandra Pacheco Garcia
As a medium that allows for the obsessive collection of visual evidence, I am using photography to locate the body (my body and the bodies of those I love.). This series of three photographs and related

Images by RamRam Abdellah
Abdellah RamRam (born 1966) A native of Morocco, Abdellah RamRam has been drawing his entire life and moved to the United States in 2000. RamRam uses a ballpoint pen, colored markers, and pencil to create his art. Using these simple

Images by RamRam Abdellah
Abdellah RamRam (born 1966) A native of Morocco, Abdellah RamRam has been drawing his entire life and moved to the United States in 2000. RamRam uses a ballpoint pen, colored markers, and pencil to create his art. Using these simple