Images by RamRam Abdellah

Abdellah RamRam (born 1966)

A native of Morocco, Abdellah RamRam has been drawing his entire life and moved to the United States in 2000. RamRam uses a ballpoint pen, colored markers, and pencil to create his art. Using these simple tools, RamRam intricately forms designs of human figures, animals and elements from nature. Tiny circles the size of a sesame seed create the lines making up the images of RamRam’s forms. Images of men, women, eyes, faces, trees, birds and geometric shapes are intricately detailed with bright colors, unusual texture and patterns. 

Artist’s statement:

My real inspiration comes in the evening when I can see the world in front of me without interruption. My own art celebrates life, humanity, nature, and spirituality. In my recent work I have focused on such passionate matters as creation, Adam and Eve, and a portrait of Christ as I see him. As I become immersed in my work these heavy subject matters almost become muted by the intricate and obsessive patterns of color and texture. I allow myself to be seduced by this meditative process. I only hope my audience will also be seduced by, at least, the visual beauty of this work; no matter what spiritual or cultural background.


LINK TO : Artist Interview