
Infinite Mirror by Matias Viegener
They are our spooky friends, the drones. You think they’re coming but they’re already here. You know that movie Poltergeist? Back then they still needed to come through our TV sets. Now they’re much smarter. There might be one under

Infinite Mirror by Matias Viegener
They are our spooky friends, the drones. You think they’re coming but they’re already here. You know that movie Poltergeist? Back then they still needed to come through our TV sets. Now they’re much smarter. There might be one under

Scrapping Ceremony by Maya Gurantz
Scrapping Ceremony by Maya Gurantz On my desk in front of me, I see seven external hard drives, two iPads, my desktop computer, a tiny digital point-and-click camera that is 10 years old thus not of high enough quality

Scrapping Ceremony by Maya Gurantz
Scrapping Ceremony by Maya Gurantz On my desk in front of me, I see seven external hard drives, two iPads, my desktop computer, a tiny digital point-and-click camera that is 10 years old thus not of high enough quality

WHATEVER DON’T KILL YOU JUST MAKES YOU SOMBER *~prologue~* ((i’m not going to avoid clichés)) but just approach them with sincerity and the heart that i most often wear on my sleeve i didn’t choose to live in a society

WHATEVER DON’T KILL YOU JUST MAKES YOU SOMBER *~prologue~* ((i’m not going to avoid clichés)) but just approach them with sincerity and the heart that i most often wear on my sleeve i didn’t choose to live in a society

NATURE! This one’s for you! by Chan & Mann
Documentation and costumes from this 2006 performance by Chan & Mann will be on display at Rethink Environment. Assisting in their intervention with Nature, Chan & Mann invited an assortment of native (and exotic) animal assistants, including Mr. Whale, Ms.

NATURE! This one’s for you! by Chan & Mann
Documentation and costumes from this 2006 performance by Chan & Mann will be on display at Rethink Environment. Assisting in their intervention with Nature, Chan & Mann invited an assortment of native (and exotic) animal assistants, including Mr. Whale, Ms.

MOM BABY GOD with Madeline Burrows
MOM BABY GOD is the work of Madeline Burrows, a one-woman-show based on two years of undercover research on the anti-abortion movement. Alternately entertaining and inflammatory, Burrows’ piece of political theater channels the characters she’s met in the pro-life movement,

MOM BABY GOD with Madeline Burrows
MOM BABY GOD is the work of Madeline Burrows, a one-woman-show based on two years of undercover research on the anti-abortion movement. Alternately entertaining and inflammatory, Burrows’ piece of political theater channels the characters she’s met in the pro-life movement,

Untitled collaboration with Manuel Vason (The Language of Flowers), 2006 by Lee Adams
The image is based on a durational performance installation I made for The Undercover Surrealism exhibition at The Hayward Gallery, South Bank Centre, London called the Language of Flowers after the essay by Georges Bataille: ” … even more than

Untitled collaboration with Manuel Vason (The Language of Flowers), 2006 by Lee Adams
The image is based on a durational performance installation I made for The Undercover Surrealism exhibition at The Hayward Gallery, South Bank Centre, London called the Language of Flowers after the essay by Georges Bataille: ” … even more than

Untitled (Wind) by Julie Tolentino
Untitled (Wind) – S and J 2012 by Julie Tolentino

Untitled (Wind) by Julie Tolentino
Untitled (Wind) – S and J 2012 by Julie Tolentino

Sixteen Scores for Resistance by Samantha Cohen
1. Resist Sense of Scale Go on a hike somewhere unpopular. Avoid looking at the horizon. You can see green green green rolling and rolling, deep green fur swallowing tiny homes, okay. Maybe you can see your home, even,

Sixteen Scores for Resistance by Samantha Cohen
1. Resist Sense of Scale Go on a hike somewhere unpopular. Avoid looking at the horizon. You can see green green green rolling and rolling, deep green fur swallowing tiny homes, okay. Maybe you can see your home, even,

Ecosex Manifesto and Posters by Annie Sprinkle + Beth Stephens
For More on the Ecosex Movement, Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens, visit and A new movie directed by Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle Goodbye Gauley Mountain–An Ecosex Love Story Ecosex Pride Flag design by Cindy Baker, for Purple Wedding to the

Ecosex Manifesto and Posters by Annie Sprinkle + Beth Stephens
For More on the Ecosex Movement, Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens, visit and A new movie directed by Beth Stephens with Annie Sprinkle Goodbye Gauley Mountain–An Ecosex Love Story Ecosex Pride Flag design by Cindy Baker, for Purple Wedding to the

Walking Wounded by Liz Collins
I am a machine knitter by trade, and with this project offered up knit interventions (wounds) to ready-made clothing provided by both passers by and myself. My work in fashion and fine art textiles and clothing has featured these “wounds”

Walking Wounded by Liz Collins
I am a machine knitter by trade, and with this project offered up knit interventions (wounds) to ready-made clothing provided by both passers by and myself. My work in fashion and fine art textiles and clothing has featured these “wounds”

Ecstatic Resistance Schema Poster by Emily Roysdon
Ecstatic Resistance (schema), 2009 Roysdon_Download Silkscreen and chine collé on paper 34 ½ x 25 in. (87.6 x 63.5 cm) Designed in collaboration with Carl Williamson printed by 10 Grand Press, Brooklyn, New York edition of 20 Read the

Ecstatic Resistance Schema Poster by Emily Roysdon
Ecstatic Resistance (schema), 2009 Roysdon_Download Silkscreen and chine collé on paper 34 ½ x 25 in. (87.6 x 63.5 cm) Designed in collaboration with Carl Williamson printed by 10 Grand Press, Brooklyn, New York edition of 20 Read the

“Jupiter Transzilla and the Interstellar Communication Spell” by Jason Michael Stepina
The end is over. Evolution revolution has begun. Jupiter Transzilla the “Scientist Shaman”, Holli Gramm the “Technology Psychic”, and the Living Alter complete the progression. Ritual biotech communion spells for the advancement of humanity. Jason Micheal Stepina’s inter-galatic journeys

“Jupiter Transzilla and the Interstellar Communication Spell” by Jason Michael Stepina
The end is over. Evolution revolution has begun. Jupiter Transzilla the “Scientist Shaman”, Holli Gramm the “Technology Psychic”, and the Living Alter complete the progression. Ritual biotech communion spells for the advancement of humanity. Jason Micheal Stepina’s inter-galatic journeys

Fourteen Scores for Rebirth by Samantha Cohen
1.Put on a pastel silk slip or a clean white sheath. Wear an eye mask and cover yourself in white down comforters and sheets. If you don’t have these things, announce that this is for an art project

Fourteen Scores for Rebirth by Samantha Cohen
1.Put on a pastel silk slip or a clean white sheath. Wear an eye mask and cover yourself in white down comforters and sheets. If you don’t have these things, announce that this is for an art project

Living Newspaper (Poster and video excerpt) by Liz Magic Laser
Poster Download_LivingNewspapepower-gallery-laser.cnn

Living Newspaper (Poster and video excerpt) by Liz Magic Laser
Poster Download_LivingNewspapepower-gallery-laser.cnn

ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) by Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio
Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) Theater-Piece In Words Only, For 2 Actors At A Podium + Lights Whitechapel Gallery, London, Feb 2011 (House lights go off, podium lights out) (W:) Come

ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) by Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio
Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio ANTARCTICA FOR 2 (OR MORE, UNTIL IT’S 1 TOO MANY…) Theater-Piece In Words Only, For 2 Actors At A Podium + Lights Whitechapel Gallery, London, Feb 2011 (House lights go off, podium lights out) (W:) Come

An Exercise in the Impossible (After Manuel Arechiga) by Artemisa Clark
On May 16, 1959, Manuel Arechiga was photographed sweeping the “porch” of the tent he shared with his wife, Abrana, for a total of 10 days, or 14,400 minutes. This tent was built over the ruins of their family’s

An Exercise in the Impossible (After Manuel Arechiga) by Artemisa Clark
On May 16, 1959, Manuel Arechiga was photographed sweeping the “porch” of the tent he shared with his wife, Abrana, for a total of 10 days, or 14,400 minutes. This tent was built over the ruins of their family’s

My Pussy Is Still In Los Angeles (I Only Live in Berlin)
My Pussy is Still in Los Angeles (I Only Live in Berlin) a commission piece by The Getty/Pacific Standard Time produced by West of Rome Public Art Agency Curator Emi Fontana Ms. Davis’ gown and shoes by

My Pussy Is Still In Los Angeles (I Only Live in Berlin)
My Pussy is Still in Los Angeles (I Only Live in Berlin) a commission piece by The Getty/Pacific Standard Time produced by West of Rome Public Art Agency Curator Emi Fontana Ms. Davis’ gown and shoes by