Re-speak: interviews

Labor of Love: C. Spencer Yeh and Masha Tupitsyn Listen To Each Other
Cinema remains the last medium for speaking and performing love culturally. While much emphasis has been placed on the visual iconography of love, with the exception of music very little attention has been given to love as an aural phenomenon

Labor of Love: C. Spencer Yeh and Masha Tupitsyn Listen To Each Other
Cinema remains the last medium for speaking and performing love culturally. While much emphasis has been placed on the visual iconography of love, with the exception of music very little attention has been given to love as an aural phenomenon

Hazing the Muse Part II: Dr. Laurie Weeks interviews Benjy Russell and Rya Kleinpeter
To Darken This Darkness RECAPS featured an earlier version of Hazing The Muse in the Fall if 2012. After connecting in virtual space for the past two years, it was cosmic timing that Russell rolled into LA on his truck in from

Hazing the Muse Part II: Dr. Laurie Weeks interviews Benjy Russell and Rya Kleinpeter
To Darken This Darkness RECAPS featured an earlier version of Hazing The Muse in the Fall if 2012. After connecting in virtual space for the past two years, it was cosmic timing that Russell rolled into LA on his truck in from

Be Here Nowish: an interview with Alexandra Roxo and Natalia Leite
The Age of Aquarius barely survived Reaganomics. Everything from kale to kundalini has been re-branded. Millennials soul searching can’t tune in and drop out without being reminded of tremendous student debt, environmental catastrophe, or that the NSA is monitoring their

Be Here Nowish: an interview with Alexandra Roxo and Natalia Leite
The Age of Aquarius barely survived Reaganomics. Everything from kale to kundalini has been re-branded. Millennials soul searching can’t tune in and drop out without being reminded of tremendous student debt, environmental catastrophe, or that the NSA is monitoring their

Relative Truths: Zackary Drucker interviews Flawless Sabrina for RECAPS
Zackary Drucker: “I had known truth…” Flawless Sabrina: I had known truth and he was a drug addict. Last I heard he was in prison somewhere in New Jersey. But he was very old at the time, so he could

Relative Truths: Zackary Drucker interviews Flawless Sabrina for RECAPS
Zackary Drucker: “I had known truth…” Flawless Sabrina: I had known truth and he was a drug addict. Last I heard he was in prison somewhere in New Jersey. But he was very old at the time, so he could

Radio, Paradise, and Nuclear Power: Kaucyila Brooke interviewed by Christina Linorter
Politics and Narratives in Landscape and Gardens[1] CL: In the Eden’s Edge project we are specifically interested in the relationship of narrative and landscape. In your work you combine exactly these two themes. How did you become interested in

Radio, Paradise, and Nuclear Power: Kaucyila Brooke interviewed by Christina Linorter
Politics and Narratives in Landscape and Gardens[1] CL: In the Eden’s Edge project we are specifically interested in the relationship of narrative and landscape. In your work you combine exactly these two themes. How did you become interested in

MOM BABY GOD with Madeline Burrows
MOM BABY GOD is the work of Madeline Burrows, a one-woman-show based on two years of undercover research on the anti-abortion movement. Alternately entertaining and inflammatory, Burrows’ piece of political theater channels the characters she’s met in the pro-life movement,

MOM BABY GOD with Madeline Burrows
MOM BABY GOD is the work of Madeline Burrows, a one-woman-show based on two years of undercover research on the anti-abortion movement. Alternately entertaining and inflammatory, Burrows’ piece of political theater channels the characters she’s met in the pro-life movement,

Reading “Paris is Burning” with Lucas Hilderbrand
Sharon Needles reading Paris Is Burning In celebration of his new book, Paris is Burning: A Queer Film Classic, Lucas Hilderbrand answered a few questions about the project for the Reclaim Media issue. RECAPS: Your book helps bridge the theory/practice disconnect

Reading “Paris is Burning” with Lucas Hilderbrand
Sharon Needles reading Paris Is Burning In celebration of his new book, Paris is Burning: A Queer Film Classic, Lucas Hilderbrand answered a few questions about the project for the Reclaim Media issue. RECAPS: Your book helps bridge the theory/practice disconnect

G-chatting with John Greyson
G-chatting with John Greyson “John [Greyson] belongs to a category of gay and lesbian artist that I call “credible.” By this I mean that they have consistently produced artistically engaged work with authentic queer content and that they treat other

G-chatting with John Greyson
G-chatting with John Greyson “John [Greyson] belongs to a category of gay and lesbian artist that I call “credible.” By this I mean that they have consistently produced artistically engaged work with authentic queer content and that they treat other

Sarah Schulman on “Israel/Palestine and the Queer International” Interview by Nadia Gaber
On May Day 2011, the first Palestinian trade union conference for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against the Israeli occupation was held in Ramallah, aligning labor organizers with the largest Palestinian civic movement, a non-violent resistance strategy that has solidarity

Sarah Schulman on “Israel/Palestine and the Queer International” Interview by Nadia Gaber
On May Day 2011, the first Palestinian trade union conference for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against the Israeli occupation was held in Ramallah, aligning labor organizers with the largest Palestinian civic movement, a non-violent resistance strategy that has solidarity

Activism, Archives and Academia: Catching up with Michael Bronski
LBGT Studies and Queer Theory emerged as disciplines not because a few academic super stars deemed them so, but because the tireless work of an army of lovers. Michael Bronski was on the frontlines of this fight: organizing, writing, and

Activism, Archives and Academia: Catching up with Michael Bronski
LBGT Studies and Queer Theory emerged as disciplines not because a few academic super stars deemed them so, but because the tireless work of an army of lovers. Michael Bronski was on the frontlines of this fight: organizing, writing, and

“Beatles vs. Stones” Q+A with author John McMillian
1. In Beatles vs. Stones you talk about how the two bands were in fact fans and supportive of each other, albeit competitive and cruel at times. Journalists and fans, on the other hand, often defined the Beatles and the Stones in

“Beatles vs. Stones” Q+A with author John McMillian
1. In Beatles vs. Stones you talk about how the two bands were in fact fans and supportive of each other, albeit competitive and cruel at times. Journalists and fans, on the other hand, often defined the Beatles and the Stones in

“Pussy: A Companion Piece” Nikki Darling talks to RECAPS by Martabel Wasserman
Pussy! A Companion is a pet project, a spin-off, a guide of sorts to Pussy! A Progression!, the five-part literary manifesto by Nikki Darling recently published by The Art Book Review. As Darling explains, when putting something like a manifesto

“Pussy: A Companion Piece” Nikki Darling talks to RECAPS by Martabel Wasserman
Pussy! A Companion is a pet project, a spin-off, a guide of sorts to Pussy! A Progression!, the five-part literary manifesto by Nikki Darling recently published by The Art Book Review. As Darling explains, when putting something like a manifesto

Imperfecting a perfect(us): Love, Space, and Beauty by Megan Lavelle
Imperfecting a perfect(us). Utopia is defined as a place of ideal perfection relating to law, government, and social conditions. A framework of perfection is often a framework for order, law, precision, and limit. 1.6180339887498948482 / φ The sciences designate “perfection” as

Imperfecting a perfect(us): Love, Space, and Beauty by Megan Lavelle
Imperfecting a perfect(us). Utopia is defined as a place of ideal perfection relating to law, government, and social conditions. A framework of perfection is often a framework for order, law, precision, and limit. 1.6180339887498948482 / φ The sciences designate “perfection” as

Before You Know It: a discussion with filmmaker PJ Raval
MW: I see cross-generational queer dialog as vital but hard to cultivate. Did the project come out that type of conversation within your community or were you responding to its absence? PJ: The inspiration from the film comes from a

Before You Know It: a discussion with filmmaker PJ Raval
MW: I see cross-generational queer dialog as vital but hard to cultivate. Did the project come out that type of conversation within your community or were you responding to its absence? PJ: The inspiration from the film comes from a

#ReclaimPride: the Editor’s Interview with David Frantz and Martabel Wasserman
Christopher Street West (CSW), the organizers of the Los Angeles Pride parade, invited ONE Archives to participate in their annual festival as part of a special “Arts and Heritage” exhibition space titled Momentum located in a parking garage under a

#ReclaimPride: the Editor’s Interview with David Frantz and Martabel Wasserman
Christopher Street West (CSW), the organizers of the Los Angeles Pride parade, invited ONE Archives to participate in their annual festival as part of a special “Arts and Heritage” exhibition space titled Momentum located in a parking garage under a

The Love Doll by Laurie Simmons
RECAPS: What has being identified as a feminist photographer enabled for you creatively, and in what in what ways, if any, have you found it limiting? Laurie Simmons: When I was first described that way, in the late 70’s and

The Love Doll by Laurie Simmons
RECAPS: What has being identified as a feminist photographer enabled for you creatively, and in what in what ways, if any, have you found it limiting? Laurie Simmons: When I was first described that way, in the late 70’s and

“Gregory Crewdson: BBM Encounters” by Ali Tenenbaum
I “sat down” with Gregory Crewdson via BBM (yes we are in the club of dwindling but highly devoted and loyal users of the black berry) and talked about his work, Blue Velvet and movies that change your life. Ali: I

“Gregory Crewdson: BBM Encounters” by Ali Tenenbaum
I “sat down” with Gregory Crewdson via BBM (yes we are in the club of dwindling but highly devoted and loyal users of the black berry) and talked about his work, Blue Velvet and movies that change your life. Ali: I

Returning to the Self, Reigniting Community: the RECAPS Ira Sachs Interview
A spectrum of intimacy is rendered visible by the artist’s hand. The concentration in the eyes of the masturbating subject posing for the camera is met and mediated by the image being rendered as a line drawing. The slickness

Returning to the Self, Reigniting Community: the RECAPS Ira Sachs Interview
A spectrum of intimacy is rendered visible by the artist’s hand. The concentration in the eyes of the masturbating subject posing for the camera is met and mediated by the image being rendered as a line drawing. The slickness

Eileen Myles and JD Samson in Conversation
[Transcript edited for clarity, MW] Martabel Wasserman: I was very excited and anxious preparing for this conversation so I decided to email one of my teachers from college, Helen Molesworth, who introduced me to Eileen’s work, to ask for question

Eileen Myles and JD Samson in Conversation
[Transcript edited for clarity, MW] Martabel Wasserman: I was very excited and anxious preparing for this conversation so I decided to email one of my teachers from college, Helen Molesworth, who introduced me to Eileen’s work, to ask for question

Office Hours with Jack Halberstam
Martabel: How would you describe your practice? Jack: Practice is a tricky word. My practice is associated with public intellectual labor, with being out in the world, and taking some of the work I do in the context of the

Office Hours with Jack Halberstam
Martabel: How would you describe your practice? Jack: Practice is a tricky word. My practice is associated with public intellectual labor, with being out in the world, and taking some of the work I do in the context of the

(Re) United in Anger, an interview with Jim Hubbard
I was lucky enough to interview Jim Hubbard before the LA premiere of his documentary United in Anger at Outfest . The film is a history of ACT UP New York that draws on archival footage and the 130+ interviews and counting

(Re) United in Anger, an interview with Jim Hubbard
I was lucky enough to interview Jim Hubbard before the LA premiere of his documentary United in Anger at Outfest . The film is a history of ACT UP New York that draws on archival footage and the 130+ interviews and counting

On Wearing Masks: Jon Leon and Bdydbl in Conversation
BDYDBL: This is a spread I put together for an issue of Daddy Magazine in 2007 this issue was called “black daddy”, when reading your essay on Lindsay I thought of this image. In your essay, you write that the

On Wearing Masks: Jon Leon and Bdydbl in Conversation
BDYDBL: This is a spread I put together for an issue of Daddy Magazine in 2007 this issue was called “black daddy”, when reading your essay on Lindsay I thought of this image. In your essay, you write that the

Cruising the Archive with Ann Cvetkovich
Cruising the Archive with Ann Cvetkovich : An Impromptu Salon with Kathryn Garcia, Catherine Lord and Martabel Wasserman In conjunction with the numerous site-specific installations and retrospectives happening in and around Los Angeles associated with Pacific Standard Time, David Frantz and

Cruising the Archive with Ann Cvetkovich
Cruising the Archive with Ann Cvetkovich : An Impromptu Salon with Kathryn Garcia, Catherine Lord and Martabel Wasserman In conjunction with the numerous site-specific installations and retrospectives happening in and around Los Angeles associated with Pacific Standard Time, David Frantz and