Re-wind: history and archives

Ode to Nancy Holt and a Powerful Earth by Kelly Johnson
I recently moved to Baltimore from Texas, anxious that the cold and concrete would eliminate my connection with nature. But everyday I notice an unexpected trace of the natural earth in the city: the shocking pink of the roses in

Ode to Nancy Holt and a Powerful Earth by Kelly Johnson
I recently moved to Baltimore from Texas, anxious that the cold and concrete would eliminate my connection with nature. But everyday I notice an unexpected trace of the natural earth in the city: the shocking pink of the roses in

Fare Buoyantly II by Joey Lehman Morris
This is a photograph of a portion of Owens Lake, looking northwest, during a dust storm. In 1913, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began the diversion of Owens’ arteries to feed its own aqueduct. Owens lowered for over

Fare Buoyantly II by Joey Lehman Morris
This is a photograph of a portion of Owens Lake, looking northwest, during a dust storm. In 1913, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power began the diversion of Owens’ arteries to feed its own aqueduct. Owens lowered for over

Knowing is Not Naming by Xiaowei Wang
We never spoke about the end of empires, but when it happened, we had not seen each other for years. Somehow it escaped our taxonomy of the world, in between the causally symmetric balances and the notes you kept in

Knowing is Not Naming by Xiaowei Wang
We never spoke about the end of empires, but when it happened, we had not seen each other for years. Somehow it escaped our taxonomy of the world, in between the causally symmetric balances and the notes you kept in

Some Random Ruminations on Value by Yvonne Rainer
Poster_Download.jpg Recently I heard a dancer friend say, “I had no idea back then that what I was doing was important!” How did she find out? (How did I know, “back then”, that what she was doing was important?)

Some Random Ruminations on Value by Yvonne Rainer
Poster_Download.jpg Recently I heard a dancer friend say, “I had no idea back then that what I was doing was important!” How did she find out? (How did I know, “back then”, that what she was doing was important?)

Hospice Watercolors and Handsome Women’s Club by Heather Anne Welch
RECAPS IS PROUD TO PRESENT TWO ORIGINAL ZINES OF THE WORK OF HEATHER ANNE WELCH. Simone de Beauvior by Gisele Freund I’m starting a club, The Handsome Women’s Club. We’re not strictly against admitting men to the club, but they

Hospice Watercolors and Handsome Women’s Club by Heather Anne Welch
RECAPS IS PROUD TO PRESENT TWO ORIGINAL ZINES OF THE WORK OF HEATHER ANNE WELCH. Simone de Beauvior by Gisele Freund I’m starting a club, The Handsome Women’s Club. We’re not strictly against admitting men to the club, but they

YOUR NOSTALGIA IS KILLING ME Vincent Chevalier and Ian Bradley-Perrin
Poster_Download Created for the 2013 edition of AIDS Action Now’s poster/VIRUS AAN-ChevalierPerrin11x17.pdf “Strictly speaking, nostalgia does not entail the exercise of memory at all, since the past it idealizes stands outside time, frozen in unchanging perfection. Memory too may idealize

YOUR NOSTALGIA IS KILLING ME Vincent Chevalier and Ian Bradley-Perrin
Poster_Download Created for the 2013 edition of AIDS Action Now’s poster/VIRUS AAN-ChevalierPerrin11x17.pdf “Strictly speaking, nostalgia does not entail the exercise of memory at all, since the past it idealizes stands outside time, frozen in unchanging perfection. Memory too may idealize

RECORDAR by Ani Cordero: An Open Letter to RECAPS from Chris Verene
As we live together in a post-Occupy and post-Edward Snowden society, it seems important, and has been personally therapeutic for me, to find new kinds of activism which raise awareness about the injustice in our world. My partner, Ani

RECORDAR by Ani Cordero: An Open Letter to RECAPS from Chris Verene
As we live together in a post-Occupy and post-Edward Snowden society, it seems important, and has been personally therapeutic for me, to find new kinds of activism which raise awareness about the injustice in our world. My partner, Ani

Reading “Paris is Burning” with Lucas Hilderbrand
Sharon Needles reading Paris Is Burning In celebration of his new book, Paris is Burning: A Queer Film Classic, Lucas Hilderbrand answered a few questions about the project for the Reclaim Media issue. RECAPS: Your book helps bridge the theory/practice disconnect

Reading “Paris is Burning” with Lucas Hilderbrand
Sharon Needles reading Paris Is Burning In celebration of his new book, Paris is Burning: A Queer Film Classic, Lucas Hilderbrand answered a few questions about the project for the Reclaim Media issue. RECAPS: Your book helps bridge the theory/practice disconnect

Enduring Distraction by Kellie Lanham with Images by Victoria Fu
Installation photos: Cult of Splendor, Jan 09, 2014 to Feb 08, 2014, University Art Gallery, University of California at Irvine, photographs by Elan Greenwald Enduring Distraction by Kellie Lanham The stimulations of the senses succeed one another with such rapidity that there is no

Enduring Distraction by Kellie Lanham with Images by Victoria Fu
Installation photos: Cult of Splendor, Jan 09, 2014 to Feb 08, 2014, University Art Gallery, University of California at Irvine, photographs by Elan Greenwald Enduring Distraction by Kellie Lanham The stimulations of the senses succeed one another with such rapidity that there is no

Activism, Archives and Academia: Catching up with Michael Bronski
LBGT Studies and Queer Theory emerged as disciplines not because a few academic super stars deemed them so, but because the tireless work of an army of lovers. Michael Bronski was on the frontlines of this fight: organizing, writing, and

Activism, Archives and Academia: Catching up with Michael Bronski
LBGT Studies and Queer Theory emerged as disciplines not because a few academic super stars deemed them so, but because the tireless work of an army of lovers. Michael Bronski was on the frontlines of this fight: organizing, writing, and

When Jeanne Was Down Came Over to Water The Flowers by Nicole Capps
My most recent series of small-scale drawings originated from several collections of family photographs purchased in bulk on the internet. Exploring the analog snapshot as both image and object, these drawings emphasize both the pictorial and the sculptural, playing on

When Jeanne Was Down Came Over to Water The Flowers by Nicole Capps
My most recent series of small-scale drawings originated from several collections of family photographs purchased in bulk on the internet. Exploring the analog snapshot as both image and object, these drawings emphasize both the pictorial and the sculptural, playing on

Remapping the Second Wave: Los Angeles, c. 1975
I’ve always wanted to visit the second wave -and the black holes in the desert were not getting me there fast enough- so I went to the ONE Archive instead. Perusing the collection of Sister Newspaper: Los Angeles Feminist News, I was

Remapping the Second Wave: Los Angeles, c. 1975
I’ve always wanted to visit the second wave -and the black holes in the desert were not getting me there fast enough- so I went to the ONE Archive instead. Perusing the collection of Sister Newspaper: Los Angeles Feminist News, I was

My Darling Sexy Beautiful Tropicanita by Artemisa Clark
I can not forget this death. I can not forget the dehumanization of men that causes the brutalization of women. I can not forget that I am a female and weaker. I can not forget the inhumanity of a

My Darling Sexy Beautiful Tropicanita by Artemisa Clark
I can not forget this death. I can not forget the dehumanization of men that causes the brutalization of women. I can not forget that I am a female and weaker. I can not forget the inhumanity of a

Puppets, Pink Felt, and Levi’s Pockets: Materials from the Main Club by Lucas Hilderbrand
Materials from “The Main Club” donated by Robert Jansen. Used courtesy of the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies, University of Minnesota Libraries. In summer 2011, I kept hearing about the Main Club in Superior, Wisconsin.[1] I was spending the

Puppets, Pink Felt, and Levi’s Pockets: Materials from the Main Club by Lucas Hilderbrand
Materials from “The Main Club” donated by Robert Jansen. Used courtesy of the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in GLBT Studies, University of Minnesota Libraries. In summer 2011, I kept hearing about the Main Club in Superior, Wisconsin.[1] I was spending the

Sucking is Better Than War, 1971 Archival Photos
Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Sucking is Better Than War, 1971 Archival Photos
Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Things Men Do poster (1971, GLF calendar )
Things Men Do.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Things Men Do poster (1971, GLF calendar )
Things Men Do.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Christopher Street West 1970 Archival Poster by Angela Douglas

Christopher Street West 1970 Archival Poster by Angela Douglas

Angela Douglas T.A.O Commander Poster
Angela DouglasDownload.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Angela Douglas T.A.O Commander Poster
Angela DouglasDownload.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Fat Underground Archival Poster

Fat Underground Archival Poster

Gay Is Angry Posters,1971 Gay Liberation Front calendar
GayIsAngryDownload.jpg GayIsAngry2.jpg 2 GayIsAngry3.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Gay Is Angry Posters,1971 Gay Liberation Front calendar
GayIsAngryDownload.jpg GayIsAngry2.jpg 2 GayIsAngry3.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

download my lips Read My Lips,1992, Xerox, 11X 17 inches GANG was a collective that included Zoe Leonard, Loring McAlpin, Adam Rolston, Holly Hughes, Suzanne Wright, among others

download my lips Read My Lips,1992, Xerox, 11X 17 inches GANG was a collective that included Zoe Leonard, Loring McAlpin, Adam Rolston, Holly Hughes, Suzanne Wright, among others

HRC is Toxic to Equality by Occupy LA Queer Affinity Group
Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

HRC is Toxic to Equality by Occupy LA Queer Affinity Group
Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Third World Gay Liberation, a 16-point Plan (1971, GLF calendar)
Third World Gay Revolution Download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Third World Gay Liberation, a 16-point Plan (1971, GLF calendar)
Third World Gay Revolution Download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Gay is Angry Calendar 1971 (June, July, and August)
gay angry june download.jpg gay angry july download.jpg gay angry aug download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Gay is Angry Calendar 1971 (June, July, and August)
gay angry june download.jpg gay angry july download.jpg gay angry aug download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Alpoineers Archival Poster
Alpineers_Download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Alpoineers Archival Poster
Alpineers_Download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries

Posters by Joey Terrill
nancy_download.jpg ron_download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries and the artist

Posters by Joey Terrill
nancy_download.jpg ron_download.jpg Courtesy of ONE Archives at the USC Libraries and the artist

We’re Here and We’re Going Shoplifting Poster

We’re Here and We’re Going Shoplifting Poster

“Autobiography or Self” & “Biography and Self” by Charlotte Lieberman
Autobiography or Self-Portrait After Gertrude Stein’s The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas It was this time, it was now. It was only this time this short time after some other this time that Picasso painted did paint this portrait

“Autobiography or Self” & “Biography and Self” by Charlotte Lieberman
Autobiography or Self-Portrait After Gertrude Stein’s The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas It was this time, it was now. It was only this time this short time after some other this time that Picasso painted did paint this portrait

What Have We Lost? by Kellie Lanham
“At the tiny Newman Popiashvili gallery, steps below the street, the scum line ran right through the paintings that still hung on the wall. A woman standing in the gloom cried when asked whether the gallery had insurance.”[1] On a

What Have We Lost? by Kellie Lanham
“At the tiny Newman Popiashvili gallery, steps below the street, the scum line ran right through the paintings that still hung on the wall. A woman standing in the gloom cried when asked whether the gallery had insurance.”[1] On a

January 20th, 2009. Photographs by Catherine Opie

January 20th, 2009. Photographs by Catherine Opie

On Roads and On Roadmaps by Flora Kao
Flora Kao, Lines of Desire, 2008 Acrylic on vellum 7.5 x 10.5 feet [Detail] Referencing the blueprint as a locus of dreams, Lines of Desire is made of hundreds of overlays of the LA street-grid on vellum. Upon approach, its delicate atmospherics

On Roads and On Roadmaps by Flora Kao
Flora Kao, Lines of Desire, 2008 Acrylic on vellum 7.5 x 10.5 feet [Detail] Referencing the blueprint as a locus of dreams, Lines of Desire is made of hundreds of overlays of the LA street-grid on vellum. Upon approach, its delicate atmospherics

Recapping Time by Martabel Wasserman
“Feeling the press of the complexity upon the emptiness of life, people are fearful at the thought that at any moment things might thrust out of control.”- The Port Huron Statement, 1962 This lens is ready-made nostalgia; it was as

Recapping Time by Martabel Wasserman
“Feeling the press of the complexity upon the emptiness of life, people are fearful at the thought that at any moment things might thrust out of control.”- The Port Huron Statement, 1962 This lens is ready-made nostalgia; it was as

ACT UP at 25: Past and Present Posters
act up vote.jpg from the Silence = Death Project, 1988 act up at 25.jpg ACT UP and Occupy.jpeg collective action.jpg Art is Not Enough, Gran Fury, 1988 Dec-Jan calendar for The Kitchen ACTUP Robin Hood.jpeg

ACT UP at 25: Past and Present Posters
act up vote.jpg from the Silence = Death Project, 1988 act up at 25.jpg ACT UP and Occupy.jpeg collective action.jpg Art is Not Enough, Gran Fury, 1988 Dec-Jan calendar for The Kitchen ACTUP Robin Hood.jpeg

An Exercise in the Impossible (After Manuel Arechiga) by Artemisa Clark
On May 16, 1959, Manuel Arechiga was photographed sweeping the “porch” of the tent he shared with his wife, Abrana, for a total of 10 days, or 14,400 minutes. This tent was built over the ruins of their family’s

An Exercise in the Impossible (After Manuel Arechiga) by Artemisa Clark
On May 16, 1959, Manuel Arechiga was photographed sweeping the “porch” of the tent he shared with his wife, Abrana, for a total of 10 days, or 14,400 minutes. This tent was built over the ruins of their family’s

Pink Washing: A Documentary Guide by Sarah Schulman
“Not only do Palestinian queers face these injustices on a daily basis and undergo Israeli oppression like any other Palestinian, but also our name and struggle is often wrongly used and abused to “Pinkwash” Israel’s continuous crimes against the whole

Pink Washing: A Documentary Guide by Sarah Schulman
“Not only do Palestinian queers face these injustices on a daily basis and undergo Israeli oppression like any other Palestinian, but also our name and struggle is often wrongly used and abused to “Pinkwash” Israel’s continuous crimes against the whole