Pocket Rocks by Alayna Rasile

Pocket Rock is an exercise in geological illustration, meditation, mineral identification, and social lubrication. It began when I was gifted tupperwares and zip-lock bags filled with specimens by an eccentric mustachioed man with a mission to spread beauty in the form of crystals and gems. I was confused by the gift of a pre-collected collection; it seems the desire to collect ought to grow out of the process of seeking, acquiring and curating a group of things over time. Since the collecting work had already been done, I started my work getting deeply acquainted with each mineral. Pocket Rock became a daily practice of studying a specimen in the morning, carrying it as a ‘show and tell’ object throughout the day, and sitting in meditation each evening, being present with its unique attributes and healing properties. I’ve adopted my own mission to spread awareness that rocks and minerals — are everything. Aside from the sun’s energy, minerals make up all that we have and all that we are.


stibnite — used in ancient times as black eye makeup — creates the glitter and flash effect in pyrotechnics — found in low temperature hydrothermal veins — associated with rebirth and transformation — encourages periods of personal growth


emerald calcite — removes negative energy — helps mental balance by clearing redundant thoughts and toxic habits — one of the most common minerals — dissolves in acid


hickoryite — extrusive igneous rock — banded rhyolite found in Mexico — ignites adventure and imagination — promotes creativity


kyanite — enhances telepathic communication — assists in lucid dreaming — blue silicate with long columnar crystal structure — forms in aluminum rich metamorphic rock — has high resistance to heat and is commonly used in refractory and porcelain products


aragonite — reduces stress — improves confidence — good for bones and aids in calcium absorption — formed in caves from water precipitating through organic matter, in calcareous mounds at the mouth of hot mineral springs, and inside the shells of mollusks


bismuth — eases feelings of loneliness and isolation — grown in labs because it does not crystallize in nature — improves concentration and visualization — forms in veins of high temperature mineral deposits — used in pharmaceuticals, most recognizably in pepto-bismol



Alayna Rasile is an artist from Montana who weaves textiles, flies kites, and cooperatively owns a bed & breakfast. She lives in Brooklyn and would love to be your penpal. www.alaynarasile.com