Solider on Dear Friend, Acorn, 2009




acorns (32 bit) mastered


acorns (32 bit) mastered.mp3


I’m here to tell a story of acorns and of life

and how both should be cherished

no matter how weathered and damaged


I married a minuteman to keep the town happy

but I fell in love with a milkmaid instead

and together we gathered our hands full of acorns

and planted them in a clearing we found


Though she was betrothed, her heart she said was mine

and we promised each other we’d live for this

and we did


I married a minuteman to keep the town happy

but I fell in love with a milkmaid instead

and together we gathered our hands full of acorns

and planted them in a clearing we found


As per expectation, she produced an heir

and we promised each other we’d live for this child

and we did


We took her to the forest, and we taught her all we knew

and we showered our baby with pinwheels and pastries

and love


I married a minuteman to keep the town happy

but I fell in love with a milkmaid instead

and together we gathered our hands full of acorns

and planted them in a clearing we found


Eventually his anger was too much for her to bear

so she lifted a wrist but he bludgeoned her there

with his fist


I found her in the clearing where she stumbled to her death

and I covered her body in linen and lace

and then laid her to rest


I married a minuteman to keep the town happy

but I fell in love with a milkmaid instead

and together we gathered our hands full of acorns

and planted them in a clearing we found


And though my love is gone now, her spirit still remains

in the eyes of our daughter

grows taller and taller each day


I married a minuteman to keep the town happy

but I fell in love with a milkmaid instead