“The Bank Attack,” written and performed by Antonio “Twice Thou” Ennis, directed by Antonio Ennis and John Hulsey
Written and performed by Antonio ‘Twice Thou’ Ennis — “The Bank Attack” was born in the belly of City Life/Vida Urbana’s weekly BTA/Bank Tenant Association meetings in 2011 by Antonio ‘Twice Thou’ Ennis, a professional recording artist since 1985. Empowered and inspired by City Life’s ‘Sword & Shield’ method of fighting back against social injustice, and in particular the big banks, he wrote this rally-song to galvanize thousands of underwater homeowners for the historic (RttC) Right to the City national protest against Bank of America headquarters in Boston, MA on September 30, 2011 an action for which Antonio was a lead organizer and national spokesperson for over 3,500 demonstrators. The song has since become an anthem for the movement sparking a renewed commitment of solidarity among collaborating organizations. Since 2009, instead of negotiating a loan modification with principal reduction to allow him to stay in his home of 46 years, Bank of America (the servicer) is trying to foreclose even though Mr. Ennis can afford his home at the current real value. After receiving several dissatisfying loan modifications, one of which increased his monthly payment by $1,000 he turned to his passion and profession of producing hip-hop music to shame the big banks for their predatory business practices.